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SOE Student Receive the 2012 IDRC - University of Nairobi Research Grants

SOE Ph.D. candidates BAI Huaunder the supervision of Prof. CHEN Jining and Mujtaba HASSAN under the supervision of Prof. DU Pengfei from SOE were awarded the 2012 International Development Research Center (IDRC) - University of Nairobi Research Grants (IUNRG) on Innovative Application of ICTs in Addressing Water-related Impacts of Climate Change, according to the awarding list released in January. 

The IUNRG, charged by IDRC,mainly sponsors master students and Ph.D. candidates from Asia, Africa and South America IN 2012, aiming to support research on climate change and regional water cycle, water resources distribution and sustainable water management etc. 15 master students and 15 Ph.D. candidates share the sponsorship.