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SOE carries out basic, forward-looking, innovative and strategic research in the fields of environmental engineering, science and management.

SOE has achieved many breakthroughs in key technologies applicable to China's environmental conditions, such as air quality improvement in megacities, sulfur dioxide emissions reduction, air pollution complex features, treatment and re-use of urban wastewater, hightech biological treatment of toxic and hazardous industrial organic waste, biological anaerobic treatment of high concentration organic wastewater and biomass, groundwater pollution control, solid waste disposal, etc.

Since 1980s, SOE has undertaken over 700 significant national research projects and got a large number of high-level research outputs, among which 29 were honored national scientific awards, over 200 got provincial awards, and more than 1320 were recognized as national patents. In addition, SOE also undertook more than 600 international cooperation projects and over 1000 projects collaborated with industries. It has also established 2 regional centers within the Basel and Stockholm Conventions; 10 state or provincial key labs; and a dozen of joint research centers in collaboration with Chinese and international enterprises.

A range of technological innovations of SOE have been applied to major environmental projects, including the first 30000m3/d membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment plant for municipal wastewater in Asia, the first largescale watershed non-point pollution control project in China, China's first 100,000 m3/d wastewater treatment and intelligent control system for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, the first contaminated groundwater remediation project, the first municipal water UV disinfection system, China's first landfill of hazardous waste in compliance with international safety standard, and the first 300 tons/day food waste treatment plant.

Besides, SOE has taken part in many important environmental strategic decisions and major environmental events. It has participated in the drafting of the Circular Economy Promotion Law, Cleaner Production Promotion Law, etc, and provided support for making the Policy of National Acid Rain and Sulfur Dioxide Control Planning, the Policy of National Vehicle Emission Pollution Prevention and Control Technology, etc.

SOE has played an important role in responding to many major environmental emergencies in recent years. It also provided key technical supports for environmental quality and water supply safety during a lot of significant events, such as Beijing Olympic Games.