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Home > Student Life > Environmental Education Development Funds

Environmental Education Development Funds

People from all walks of life and the alumni of the School of Environment (SOE) have donated various education funds to help SOE advance its discipline development, student cultivation, scientific research, and faculty development, offering support for the growth of SOE into a world-class environmental school.

Faculty Development Fund

Established in 2020 to support faculty development of SOE, the fund is mainly donated by the Research Institute for Environmental Innovation (Suzhou) of Tsinghua, Beijing Guohuan Tsinghua Environmental Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Lao Niu Environment Fund of Tsinghua University

Established in 2012 with the donation from the Lao Niu Foundation, the fund aims to support the development of SOE, and cultivate top-notch innovative talents of global vision in the field of environment.

Qian Yi Environmental Education Fund

The fund was initiated and donated by a community of Academician Qian Yi's former students in 2016 in the hope of cultivating more great talents of environmental protection. It provides students with Qian Yi Environment Award to reward those who excel in the field of environment in China.

SOE Development Fund

The fund was established by School of Environment, Tsinghua University in 2019 to support the steady development of the school. The donations mainly come from domestic and foreign enterprises, social groups, alumni and individuals.