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Ceremony of Veolia Outstanding Creative Talents Scholarship Held

    The Award ceremony of 2011 Veolia Outstanding Creative Talents Scholarship was held at SIEEB on June 27.

    Asian CEO of Veolia Environmental Group Jorge Mora, Public Affairs Director of Veolia Zhang Hong, Dean of SOE Yu Gang, Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Du Pengfei, Vice Dean of SOE Zuo Jian’e, Chairman of Academic Committee, Heads of all research divisions and representatives of class teachers attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Vice Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Liu Jianguo.

    Yu Gang introduced the cooperation situation between Veolia and SOE in areas of advanced water treatment technology development, advanced environmental manage talents training and construction of the outstanding creative talents scholarship, and expressed gratitude to Veolia for their great support in cultivating talents in SOE. Jorge Mora encouraged students to regard the environment protection as a life’s career and a sacred mission; to enjoy working in this area in tolerant mood and with pleasure and to strengthen the physical exercises to keep fi t and healthy. Du Pengfei announced the list of awarded persons and groups and Jorge Mora and Yu gang issued award certificates to the awarded persons.

    There were 14 Comprehensive Awards, 112 Individual Excellence Awards, 4 Impressive Sports Clubs, and 2 Outstanding Volunteer Group Awards.