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SOE and Venice International University Discuss Cooperation in 2013

A delegation of 7 persons from Venice International University (VIU), led by Ignazio Musu, director of Thematic Environmental Networks Center, visited SOE on October 16th. Dean of SOE Yu Gang, Vice Dean ZuoJian’e, Dean Assistant Liu Shuming and VIU Scientific Committee member Dr. Liu Yi, met the delegation.

Zuo Jian’e, the vice Dean in charge of students education, introduced SOE’s Global Environmental Talents Program established in 2012. The two sides then had a deep discussion on the working plan of the Tsinghua-VIU Sustainability Communication Project in 2013, including students and faculty exchanges.

The Sustainable Development Exchange Program between Tsinghua and VIU  is a part of Sino-Italian Environmental Technology Cooperation Agreement, which is initiated by Chinese and Italian governments in 2004 as a significant cultural communication in the environmental field.