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SOE Organizes the 3rd ISIE Asia-Pacific Meeting

The 3rd Industrial Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Asia-Pacific Meeting, with the theme “Asia-Pacific Toward Eco-Industrial Development”, was held in SOE on October 20th and 21st. The ISIE Asia-Pacific Meeting, held every two years, is an important academic meeting in the area of industrial ecology.The meeting, held for the first time in China,  was organized by Tsinghua University. Chen Jining, President of Tsinghua University, and Marian Chertow from Yale University, also President of the ISIE, delivered addresses at the meeting. SOE professor Qian Yi, also academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering presided over the meeting.

The first president of ISIE and professor of Yale University Thomas Graedel made a report in the meeting. Nearly 200 representatives from 15 countries including China, Korea, Japan, America, the Netherlands, Australia and Brazil attended the meeting. Totally 62 presentations and 34 posters were made on eight topics of metabolism, industrial symbiosis, life cycle analysis, and policy intervention, etc.