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SOE Organized 2012 International Symposium on UV Disinfection of Drinking Water and Wastewater

2012 International Symposium on UV Disinfection of Drinking Water and Wastewater was held in SOE on December 18th.This symposium was hosted by the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), National Technical Committee on Ultraviolet Disinfection of Standardization Administration of China, and the Water Industry Hub for China Civil Engineering Society (WICES). Among those present included Paul Swaim, President of IUVA, Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, and Zhang Yun, Vice Executive Chairman of the board of WICES. They all delivered speeches during the opening ceremony. Professor Liu Wenjun, the Director of the Asia Hub for IUVA and the Secretary-General of WICES, presided over the opening ceremony.

The symposium covered the themes of Drinking Water Disinfection and “Wastewater Disinfection”. Twelve experts gave reports on topics of the disinfection mechanism, process design, characteristics of light source and system maintenance. More than 120 delegates from China and abroad were present in the meeting.