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The 38th Tsinghua Environmental Forum: Biomimetics-A new Solution for Bioenergy Utilization?

In S. Kim, president of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineering and professor in the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, gave a lecture entitled “\Biomimetics for Water and Renewable Energy, at the 38th Tsinghua Environmental Forum on the November 5. The forum was hosted by Prof. Xia Huang, president of the Academician Committee of SOE.

Prof. In S. Kim mentioned that biomaterials developed in biomimetics might be a promising solution for environmental problems and bioenergy utilization. Prof. In S. Kim introduced his research, especially on aquaporin based biomimetic membranesandmicro-energy cells (MEC).

Professor In S. Kim is a member in the International Water Association (IWA), and was the former president of the IWA Water Reuse Committee. His main research areas include water treatment technology, membrane technology and nanotechnology. He has published three books and over 250 journal papers, and serves on the editorial board of several international journals.