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Prof. He Kebin Wins Outstanding Contribution Award by ICCT

At the International Coucil of Clean Transportation (ICCT) Summit 2012, Prof. He Kebin of SOE was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award for his research contribution in clean vehicle and fuel technology.

The ICCT grew out of a meeting in Bellagio, Italy of air quality regulators and experts including Prof. He Kebin and another 18 scientists from around the world. The Bellagio meeting produced an unprecedented consensus on the principles of forward-thinking, progressive policies for motor vehicle technology and transportation fuel. The ICCT was established to build on that beginning. Over the past ten or more, the Bellagio Memorandum has played an important role in the policy and standard making in areas of automobile fuels, pollutant emission, green house gas emission, and advanced vehicle technology. The ICCT has become an independent technical organization to improve the environmental performance and energy efficiency of road, marine, and air transportation.