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Seminar on Environmental Sustainable Development—Ecological Progress and Role of International Community Held in Beijing

Asian Development Bank (ADB), Tsinghua University and World Resources Institute (WRI) co-hosted the Seminar On Environmental Sustainable Development—Ecological Progress And Role Of International Community in Beijing on January 14,2013.

The Chinese version of Toward an Environmentally Sustainable Future: Country Environmental Analysis of the People's Republic of China was released at the seminar. This is the second environmental analysis of China from ADB and regarded as a reference for China’s Twelfth Five-year Plan.

Nearly a hundred officials, academics and representatives from Governments, development partners, research institutions, and universities attended the seminar.  President of Tsinghua University Prof. Chen Jining, ADB Chief Representative in China Mr. Hamid L. SHARIF,  Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection Mr. TANG Dingding, Chief Representative of WRI China Mr. LI Lailai gave speeches on the opening ceremony. The seminar explored on the solutions to improve ecological civilization, including topics as ecological function zones, sustainable urbanization, water safety, energy conservation, ecosystem remediation, pollutants management, ecological compensation, tax reform for green growth, regional knowledge sharing of green growth.