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Tsinghua-Veolia Environment and the Urban Management Advanced Program 2013 Opens

The opening ceremony of the Tsinghua-Veolia Environment and Urban Management Advanced Program (EUMAP) 2013 was held in SOE on June 29.

Prof. Yu in his speech introduced how SOE and Veolia Environment had cooperated on training in environment and sustainable urban development based on the common sense of social responsibility early before EUMAP began. After nearly a decade of work, around 100 environmental protection and urban construction officials from more than 30 provinces and cities around China have participated in the training. The first EUMAP was held in 2009 and this is the fifth one that would last for 9 days.

Prof. Wang Yujue, Dean Assistant of SOE, presided over the ceremony. Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, Prof. Ma Jun, the Director of the Overseas Management Office of Scientific R&D of Tsinghua University and Mr. Pascal Decary, senior executive vice-president of Veolia Environment, were present and delivered speeches. Also in attendance at the opening ceremony were 18 trainees from the local government, municipal, environmental and media enterprises.