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SOE Wins Team Silver in Ma Yuehan Cup

The closing ceremony of the 56th Ma Yuehan Cup Student Games in THU was held on April 28.

Nearly 100 contestants from SOE took part in more than 10 sporting events. The women’s team accomplished nine-concecutive honors and the men’s team ranked fifth. SOE took the second place in total score.

SOE Takes the Crown of 9th THU Debate Competition

The student team of SOE won the final of the 9th THU Debate Competition of Group B in the lecture hall of Architecture Building on May 25. This was the first time for SOE to get the Championship.

The issue of the final was “ Do the high scores reflect the high ability or not?” and the team of SOE took the Negative side. The four members of the team of SOE were Ms. Wang Shu, the first speaker, Mr. Deng Lirui, the second speaker, Mr. Zhang Tianyuan, the third speaker, and Mr. Ren Shiting, the team advisor. After beating the affirmative side, the team of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the team advisor Mr. Ren was even awarded as “the best speaker”. Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, was also present to encourage the team member.

The team of SOE will be promoted to take part in the competition of Group A for the next year.