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Guohuan-Tsinghua Chair Professor Program Launched

The signing ceremony of the Guohuan-Tsinghua Chair Professor Program was held in SOE on June 5.

This program was launched by SOE and Beijing Guohuan Tsinghua Environment Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. (GTDI), aiming at improving the academic level and personnel training of SOE and strengthening mutual cooperation.

Prof. Du Pengfei, Secretary of SOE Committee of CPC, presided over the ceremony. Prof. Qiu Yong, Vice-President of THU, attended and pointed out that the program would have a positive influence on the reform of personnel system in THU.

Prof. Wang Xiqin, Director of Personnel Service of THU, Mr. Xu Jinghong, Board Chairman of Tsinghua Holdings Co., Ltd., Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE and Prof. Wang Chengwen, Dean of GTDI, were also present at the ceremony.

Prof. Liu Wenjun, Deputy Secretary of the SOE Committee of CPC, on behalf of SOE, and Ms. Li Yan, Vice-President and Board Chairman of GTDI, on behalf of GTDI, jointly signed the contract of the program.

According to the contract, GTDI will donate RMB 1 million per year from 2013 to 2017 to support Guohuan-Tsinghua Chair Professors.