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SOE Tops China’s First-Level Discipline Ranking in the Discipline of Environmental Science and Engineering

China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(CDGDC) released the result of 2012 China’s Discipline Rankings in the news conference held by the Ministry of Education on January 29, 2013.SOE received a score of 97 and ranked NO.1 in the discipline of Environmental Science and Engineering.

The evaluation, conducted by CDGDC for a whole year, is the third discipline evaluation in history. All participants volunteered to be involved in the evaluation, which was basing on both objective and subjective estimations. All data was publicly collected from governments, social organizations or participants themselves. Many experts from universities, academic institutes , governments and entrepreneurs were also invited for helping achieve better results onthe evaluation and examination.

The evaluation of the discipline of Environmental Science and Engineering covered a total number of 82 universities, including 37 of 50 universities who have the authority to deliver first-level Ph.D. degrees, as well as 45 universities that can offer second-level Ph.D. degrees or master degrees.