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The 43rd Session: From Research to Decision Making—the Practice in Hong Kong

Ms. Christine LOHi, Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau of Hong Kong, was invited to the 43rd Environmental Forum on March 27, 2013. CAE Academician HAO Jiming from SOE presided over the forum.

Ms. Christine LOH  introduced the air pollution problems in Hong Kong and said the key to reasonable decision-making is a comprehensive understanding of the pollution characteristics. The emission inventory of vessels in the Jujiang Delta and the emission reduction estimation have been investigated in Hong Kong, supporting the government’s future decision-making. The environmental problems will be incorporated into the urban planning. The experience of local pollution control by the Hong Kong government was also presented, including pollution source control, internal coorperation among departments in Hong Kong, and the external collaboration between Kong Kong and other areas of China. After the speech, Ms. Christine LOH  answered questions raised by the audience of faculties and students, e.g. policy making for transregional pollution, public participation in large engineering projects in Hong Kong, and the pollution reduction measures in place for power stations in Hong Kong.