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SOE International Student Hamid Awarded Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship

The 2013~2014 Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship winners have been announced recently. Ph.D. student Hamidreza Arandiyan of SOE, successfully won this honor, becoming the first international student who received this award since the set-up of the Top Grade Scholarship.

Hamid graduated with his bachelor’s degree from the Iran Azad University, later got a master’s degree from the Iran University of Science and Technology. He was admitted to SOE, THU, to obtain his doctoral degree in the direction of air pollution control in environmental science and engineering. His supervisor is Prof. Li Junhua. Hamid has been working very hard in study and research since the enrollment. The average score of his degree courses was 92.4. He has already published 14 papers, including 5 SCI papers published in the prestigious international academic journals in the field of environmental catalysis, of which he was the first author. He has received a number of honors such as the first-grade Comprehensive Graduate Scholarship and the first prize of Tsinghua-Dow Sustainable Development Innovation Challenge Competition.