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ADB Vice President Visits SOE and Speaks on the 53rd Environmental Forum

Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President of Asian Development Bank (ADB), visited SOE on the afternoon of October 30. Provost Yuan Si, Vice President of THU, met with Dr. Lohani and exchanged ideas on environmental protection and water security. Dr. Lohani noted that ADB would continue to support the development of the Asia-Pacific Center for Water Security. And both sides agreed to enhance knowledge-sharing in the field of water security in the future. Prof. He Kebin, Dean of SOE, Prof. Du Pengfei, Chairman of SOE Council, and Mr. Xia Guangzhi, Deputy Director of the International Office attended the meeting.

During the talk, both sides exchange gifts. Vice President Lohani gave a book named “Asian Water Development Outlook 2013” to Vice President Yuan Si, and received a peer-reviewed journal named “Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE): Special Issue on Water Security” from Vice President Yuan Si.

After the meeting, Vice President Lohani was invited to the 53rd Tsinghua Environmental Forum, and delivered a speech entitled “Asian Water Security and Knowledge Sharing”. In his presentation, Dr. Lohani analyzed the water environmental problems faced in China by studying some new cases of water security. He also introduced the duties of ADB and proposed some solutions to the water security problems.

The Asia-Pacific Center for Water Security set at SOE was jointly established by ADB and THU in 2011. Dr. Bindu N. Lohani has been appointed as the Vice President of ADB since 2007.