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SOE Student WANG Jiaming Honored 2013 China Self-Motivated Leader of College Student

The 2013 China Self-Motivated Leader of Colleague Students Nomination has announced its winners in January. WANG Jiaming, master student from SOE, was awarded the honor. The theme of this event was “My Chinese Dream—Youth should be self-motivated to make Chinese dreams come true”.

WANG Jiaming, who was a high school student surviving the catastrophic Wenchuan Earthquick in 2008 and saved lots of his classmates from the ruins, was admitted to Tsinghua University for his heroic performance. When he graduated from undergraduate program, WANG Jiaming participated in Tsinghua Teaching Volunteer Group to Tibet, working in Tibet Vocational and Technical College for one year. In 2013, WANG Jiaming continued to pursuit master’s degree in SOE. Through his life in Tsinghua, WANG Jiaming has been very active in various volunteer activities and offered eight blood donations since 2008.

The Self-Motivated Leader Nomination has been held for 7 years. 70 Chinese college students had been nominated the leaders and nearly 700 students won the title of self-motivated model.