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GEP Student Achievement of Internship in UNEP has Published

Zhang Chen, a senior undergraduate student, went to United Nations Environment Program Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific for a three-month internship. He is the first GEP (Global Environment Program) student who worked for UN. In the internship, he helped project consultant Mr. Yu Keli to finish a UNEP publication called “Enforcement Handbook on Controlling Illegal Shipments chemicals and Waste” . This handbook has been officially published on April, 2015 and Chen is regarded as the second author.
This publication aims to facilitate the exchanging and dissemination of information on illegal trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes and other selected wastes. In the brochure, many information and guidelines to help in the process of monitoring shipments are provided in order to increase the working efficiency for customers, which serve as a reference for customer officers in their enforcement procedure.
This publication not only gathers all his efforts, but also encourages him to go further in working in the Global Environment Issues and help solve environmental problem from a global scale.
The link is:

Zhang Chen at UNEP