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SOE Initiated 2015 International Summer School

SOE August 13, 2015 On the morning of Aug. 11th, the opening ceremony of 2015 International Summer School was held in the Sino-Italian Tsinghua Environment and Energy-efficient Building of School of Environment, Tsinghua University (SOE). 29 students from 21 Chinese universities and 26 international students from 15 universities abroad took part in the ceremony. Prof. He Kebin, the Dean of SOE, Prof. ZuoJiane, the Vice-president of SOE, Prof. Huang Xia, the Director of SOE’s Academic Committee and Director of State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control took part in the ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Prof. Zuo Jiane.
The 2015 International Summer School is host by School of Environment and co-host by State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, which recruits undergraduate and graduate students of environmental or related majors from domestic and foreign universities. The 2015 International Summer School is a two-week (Aug.11th- Aug.22th) intensive program designed for students who either want to enlarge their horizon in the environmental research field or simply experience school life at Tsinghua University. Also through the summer school, SOE are also looking for talented  students who are interested in taking graduate programs at SOE.
  During the opening ceremony, Prof. He Kebin gavean opening speech, and expressed warm welcome to all the students. He pointed out that environment problems are becoming a global issue, mutual exchanges of information and joint effort are necessary to solve the problems. Meanwhile, Prof. He also emphasized the importance of innovation, which can be reflected on research and science, regulation and policies and engineering and technology.

 Prof. He Kebin giving the opening speech

Prof. Huang Xia gave a speech as one of the school teachers. She introduced the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, which has a long history and involves a wide range of areas. At the same time, Prof. Huang expressed that environmental business is a long-term task and needs much effort of young people. She said that one can make friends from different countries and different culture, which can broaden the horizon and be very helpful for career in the future.

 Prof. Huang Xia giving a speech

Jin Ningning from RWTH Aachen University and Fang Xin from Shandong University,  on behalf of international students and domestic students made a statement respectively, and expressed their excitement and gratitude.


Student representative making a statement

At last, Prof. Zuo Jiane made the final concluding remarks, and described the contents and requirements of the summer school. Also, he introduced of the faculties, students, the research institutes and international programs. 

Prof. Zuo Jiane introducing School of Environment and Summer School