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Counselors of Embassy of Italy Visited SoE

On January 12, 2022, Simone Panfili, Counsellor and Head of Consular and Visa Section of Embassy of Italy, Alessandra Guidi, Science and Technology Counsellor of Embassy of Italy, and Shen Jianlei, Inspector of International Cooperation Department of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, visited School of Environment (SoE), Tsinghua University. SoE School Council Chairman Liu Shuming, Vice Dean Yue Donbei and Jiang Jingkun, and Dean’s Assistant Du Bin met and had discussions with the visitors about Sino-Italian Cooperation on education and scientific research.

On behalf of SoE, Liu Shuming extended warm welcome to the visitors. He briefly introduced the development of SoE and reviewed the fruitful cooperation with Venice International University and University of Padova in talent cultivation. He fully affirmed that SIEEB, Sino-Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building jointly funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory, has greatly contributed and supported the rapid growth of SoE in academic development, education, and international cooperation. Liu Shuming also put forward the proposals for potential exchanges and cooperation in the future.

Simone Panfili highly appreciated the academic development of SoE and the cooperation achievements between the two sides. He expressed his willingness to further promote the momentum of Sino-Italian cooperation, and to provide conveniences to help Tsinghua students study and live in Italy. Ms. Alessandra Guidi congratulated the steady rise of SoE in the international ranking, she hoped both parties would actively explore new ways and ideas for further cooperation. Both sides reached consensus on continuing to deepen the cooperation of Global Environment Program, Tsinghua-Padova Dual Master's Degree Program, joint application of research projects of European Union Framework Program, and co-hosting international environmental forums. Inspector Shen Jianlei strongly supported taking sustainable development as the key direction of Sino-Italian cooperation.

Before the meeting, Yue Dongbei accompanied the guests on their brief visit of SIEEB, a model for a new generation of sustainable, energy-efficient, ecological and intelligent building, which has played an important role in academic development and international collaboration of SoE.

Li Shuiqing, Associate Dean of Research & Development Affairs Office, Jiang Yongbin, Director of Overseas R&D Management Office, and Lyu Lei, Deputy Director of Overseas R&D Management Office accompanied the visit. Professor Shi Yixiang from Department of Energy and Power Engineering attended the meeting.