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Tsinghua jointly hosts the 2nd Disinfection and Disinfection By- Products Conference

The 2nd Disinfection and Disinfection By- Products Conference, jointly organized by the School of Environment, Tsinghua University and the International Water Association (IWA), was held in the Xi’jiao Hotel in Beijing, China on May 14th to 18th, 2018. The co-organizers include the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollutioin Control, the Research Institute for Environmental Innovation (Suzhou) Tsinghua, the Water Industry Assocation of China Civil Engineering Society, the Shenzhen Water (Group) Co. Ltd, the Shandong province (Jinan) Water Supply and Drainage Water Monitoring Center, the Beijing Drainage Group Co. Ltd, and the Beijing Waterworks Group.

The conference focused on Disinfection and Microbiology, Disinfection By-Products, and the related Public Health Issues, and other related topics. Twelve world leading scientists were invited to give keynote speeches. 51 oral presentations and 62 poster presentations selected from over 150 submissions were presented during this conference. More than 220 researchers and practitioners from 15 countries or regions from Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Oceania and Africa attended the conference.

 Scene photos of the conference

Professor Gui-bin Jiang, an academician of China Academy of Sciences acted as the honorary chair of the conference. Professor Wen-jun Liu and associate professor Chao Chen from the School of Environment of Tsinghua University worked as the conference chair and the conference secretary, respectively. Dozens of world famous scientists and top engineers devoted themselves to serve as the programme committee members and dozens of local researchers serve this conference as the organizing committee members.

Twelve world leading scientists and top engineers were invited as the plenary speakers for this conference. Those keynote speeches were given by Professor Gui-bin Jiang, Research Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor Shane Snyder, University of Arizona and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore; Professor Irvine H. (Mel) Suffet from University of California at Los Angeles; Professor Charles Haas, Drexel University; Professor Luuk Rietveld, Delft University of Technology; Associate Professor Chao Chen, Tsinghua University; Professor Xing-fang Li, University of Alberta; Professor Susan Richardson, University of South Carolina; Professor William Mitch, Stanford University; Professor Michael Plewa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and by Professor Wei-dong Qu from Fudan University.

 Scene photos of the conference

Seminar for Young Scholar and Students was particularly set up, and the Best Oral Presentations and the Best Poster Presentations were awarded in order to encourage young scholars and students to actively participate in research work and to continuously make new scientific achievements.

At the closing ceremony, closing remark was given by Professor Chii Shang, Hongkong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Michael Plewa and Dr. Irvine H. (Mel) Suffet gave their compliments that the successful organization of this conference indicates that researches on disinfection by-products in China have entered a golden age.