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Summer School Field Trip to Gaobeidian Sewage Treatment Plant

SOE, Tsinghua Aug 9, 2017.  The students from Tsinghua University Summer School - Environment visited the Gaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant on August 9th.

Gaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant, located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, has a capacity to treat 1 million m3 domestic and industrial wastewater per day. Serving an area of 96 km2 and a population of 2.4 million, it is the largest wastewater treatment plant in Beijing.

The students were given an introduction about the wastewater treatment processes and the current standards for wastewater treatment in China. Then, they walked through the treatment facilities such as screens and sedimentation tanks. This field trip inspired the students’ thinking on the design of municipal facilities and the application of sound standards and treatment processes in water stressed regions.