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Global Environment Program students successfully completed their internship in UNIDO

From January to March, 2017, Yanbo Shu from GEP2013 and Yuanchen Wang from GEP2015 participated in the internship program at the Environment Department, UNIDO
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a multilateral institution on technical assistance, established in 1966. The Organization's primary objective is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation.
The main tasks include the initial development of a project on cradle to cradle design in soilless culture in China. The two students have also assisted in several projects, e.g. medical waste management in China, HBCD phase out plan and co-processing in cement kiln. They have also attended UN workshops with topics of gender equality and mercury management.
The two students received high satisfactory feedback from their supervisor. During the internship, they were familiarized with the mechanism of Global Environment Facility and the procedure of project development management in UNIDO. The rigorous and multicultural working environment has provided them with perfect training ground. The internship was a great occasion to feel in life the improvement China has made in the participation of global governance, its huge potential in the coming decades, and also the responsibility of the Chinese young generation.
More GEP students will have the opportunity to participate in internships at international organizations and later find their positions in international organizations, voice themselves as Chinese, and make their unique contribution to the global sustainable development.

GEP Students in UNIDO