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Six SOE Faculty Members Were Selected as Global “Highly Cited Scientists”

On Nov. 16, Clarivate released the list of “Highly Cited Scientists” in 2021, which includes 6,602 people from more than 70 countries and regions. Six of the names on the list are from the School of Environment, including Academician Hao Jiming in the field of environmental science and ecology, Academician He Kebin in earth science, Professor Li Junhua and Associate Professor Hou Deyi in cross-field, and Professor Wang Shuxiao in both environmental science and ecology and earth science.



Hao Jiming

Environmental science and ecology

He Kebin

Earth science

Li Junhua


Wang Shuxiao

Environmental science and ecology, earth science

Hou Deyi


The 2021 global “Highly Cited Scientists” list has selected more than 6,600 scientists from 21 fields in natural and social sciences and cross-disciplines based on their number of highly cited papers published over an 11-year period from January 2010 to December 2020. The list was formed after bibliometric analysis by experts at the Clarivate Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). They used InCites? and ESI? to analyze data, and tailored criteria for selecting the scientists with reference to certain performance indicators and trend data based on the number of their academic publications and citation data on Web of Science?. All the natural and social scientists on the list have published multiple highly cited papers and are in the top 1% in their own fields in terms of citation frequency, which is a demonstration of their strong academic influence.