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13th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA 2022) Successfully Held

The 13th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation organized by the School of Environment (SOE), Tsinghua University, State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, and the University of Queensland was successfully held online on October 17 - 21. Attended by more than 400 experts and scholars from 18 countries and regions, the conference provided a platform for all participants to make exchanges on all aspects of ICA, including sensors and instrumentation systems, online monitoring and control, modelling and simulation, early warning, information systems, decision support, risk assessment, big data, internet of things, and smart water systems, etc.

ICA 2022 was the first ICA conference in China, marking the ICA conference series return to Asia after Busan 2005. The conference chairs were Shi Hanchang, Professor of SOE, Tsinghua University, and Yuan Zhiguo, Professor of the University of Queensland; the executive chairs were Liu Yanchen, Associate Researcher of SOE, and Ye Liu, Associate Professor of the University of Queensland; the chairs of the scientific committee were Huang Xia, Professor of SOE, and Juan Antonio Baeza, Professor of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB); the chair of the organizing committee were Liu Shuming, Professor and Chairman of School Council of SOE; the vice chairs of the organizing committee were Dong Xin, Associate Professor, and Qiu Yong, Associate Researcher, both from SOE. In addition, about 50 faculty members and students from SOE took part in the organizing of the conference.

Platform of online conference

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Liu Shuming, and attended by Professor Jiang Jingkun, Deputy Dean of the School of Environment; Janelcy Alferes, ICA Committee Chair; Felix Fan, Senior Vice President of SUEZ Asia, and other expert and scholars. After a welcoming speech given by the host, speakers including Shi Hanchang, Janelcy Alferes and Felix Fan gave their speeches, respectively.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Liu Shuming

What is ICA 2022 about?

ICA 2022 invited special guests, such as Professor Dragan Savic, CEO of the KWR Water Research Institute; Professor Hu Qing, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology; Dr. Oliver Schraa, Chief Technology Officer of the in CTRL Solutions; and Ken Thompson, Senior Technology Fellow of the Jacobs Engineering. They each gave a presentation on diverse themes, including the application of AI for water, environmental big data to sustainable future development, experiences with the practical implementation of ICA for wastewater treatment, and challenges and benefits of merging disparate data streams in smart water systems.

During ICA 2022, 13 sessions were arranged, with 64 oral presentations and over 40 poster presentations in all. They covered various topics, including operation control in wastewater treatment, ICA for process control, ICA for resilient infrastructure, ICA for mitigation of greenhouse gas emission, intelligent control for sewer system, sensing technology for process monitoring, novel sensor development, soft-sensor for smart monitoring, ICA for resource recovery, modelling for process control, digital twins, AI for detection and prediction, and emerging contaminants monitoring and control. In addition, the conference was featured by three workshops, including “ICA and smart water in China - Current and future”, “Moving forward with COVID-19: Applications and future research for wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE)”, and “Are you in the game? - Serious games to support future proof water systems”.

Global experts and scholars shared their latest research on cutting-edge topics like water and wastewater treatment instrument, control, and automation, and participants took an active part in the Q&A session. This conference provided a platform for academic exchanges and in-depth communication on high-level research findings in the field of water system monitoring and control.

Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony of ICA 2022tookplace on October 21, and Professor Huang Xia was the hostess. Professor Juan Antonio Baeza announced the winners of three best oral presentations and three best posters. In addition, it was officially announced that the 14th ICA would be held in Oslo, Norway. In the end, Professor Yuan Zhiguo made a closing speech to celebrate the success of ICA 2022, express gratitude to all participants, presenters and organizers, congratulate Norway to be host of the ICA 2025, and wish a success for the upcoming conference.

Group Photos of Participants