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SOE Professor Xu Ming Invited to CICA Seminar on Green & Low-Carbon City Development to Give A Keynote Speech

The seminar of Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) on Green & Low-Carbon City Development was held on October 31 in Beijing, hosted by Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. About 150 experts and representatives of CICA secretariat, national departments, international organizations, research institutes, local governments, and enterprises were in attendance. Participants gathered together to discuss how cities can promote low-carbon economic transition and high-quality economic development in response to the increasingly negative impacts caused by climate change, to support human beings to actively fight against climate change and adhere to the path of green and low-carbon development. Our faculty member, Professor Xu Ming was invited to give a keynote speech on “Credible carbon footprint system and its digital implementation”.

Professor Xu Ming was invited to CICA Seminar on Green & Low-Carbon City Development.

The seminar focuses on policies and measures of green and low-carbon development, low-carbon technology and application, and experiences with the development of carbon emission trading. Representatives from CICA-affiliated countries exchanged experiences and held discussion on various topics, including their experiences of low-carbon economic transition, the application of environmental regulations, environmental technology, information technology, green finance in low-carbon development, and experiences with the development of carbon markets from various countries (China in particular).

Professor Xu Ming pointed out the importance and application of carbon footprint for a green and low-carbon city, talked about the challenges facing carbon footprint data collection and verification, and explored the feasibility of a credible carbon footprint system based on “data space”. As an ICT solution that ensures credible, secure and connected data exchange, data space tries to solve the issues of data collection, calculation, verification, disclosure, and other key parts in the accounting and verification of carbon footprint. It has the potential to become the new ICT infrastructure of green and low-carbon transition for our country, or even the world.

Professor Xu Ming gave a keynote speech on “Credible carbon footprint system and its digital implementation.

Founded in 1992, CICA is a multi-national forum with the widest coverage and largest membership. Within the framework of the Catalogue, CICA aims to enhance dialogue and cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia, through confidence building measures under five broad domains: economic dimension, environmental dimension, human dimension, new challenges and threats, and military-political dimension. As a founding member of CICA and a joint coordinator of confidence building measures in the environmental dimension, China advocates a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable “New Asian Security Concept”, and a shared and win-win framework for regional security and cooperation among Asian nations.