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Delegation from Wageningen University & Research & Research Visits School of Environment

A six-member delegation from the Wageningen University & Research visited the School of Environment (SOE) of Tsinghua University on October 27th. Members of the delegation included Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University & Research, Huub Rijnaarts, Head of the Environmental Technology Department, Zhang Xiaoyong, China Coordinator, and Ding Shenglin, Director of China Office. Among these welcoming the delegation were Xi Jingying, Vice Chairman of SOE School Council, Li Miao and Zhang Xiaoyuan, SOE Assistant Deans, Wang Kaijun, Jia Meifeng, Wu Jing and Wang Chunyan, memtors of Tsinghua-Wageningen Joint PhD Program, and Chi Qian, Head of Research Talent Department of Suzhou Research Institute for Environmental Innovation of Tsinghua University (RIET).

Representatives are sharing their views.

Xi Jingying welcomed the delegation for their visit to SOE, and gave an overview of SOE. He stated that SOE has maintained solid cooperation with Wageningen University & Research for years, and two sides have broad prospects for cooperation in the environmental field. He also expressed the hope to further partner with Wageningen University & Research in areas like research visits and joint postgraduate programs.

Xi Jinying delivers his speech.

Arthur Mol mentioned that a number of researchers in the School of Environment have graduated from Wageningen University & Research, showing that both sides have a long history of cooperation in areas including student exchange and joint research programs. He also expressed his hope that both sides will further promote academic exchange, expand fields of cooperation, and optimize the way to work together after this visit.

Arthur Mol is sharing his views.

Huub Rijnaarts delivered a brief presentation on Wageningen University & Research, the university’s Environmental Technology Department, and the university’s Institute for Environment and Climate (WIMEK). He also introduced the current development of the joint PhD program organized by Research Institute for RIET, SOE, and WIMEK, as well as the achievements gained, challenges ahead, and core concerns for future cooperation in this program. He said that the program is now going well, and suggested the three sides renewing the cooperation agreement to promote cooperation in training more global leaders in environmental science.

Huub Rijnaarts delivers a brief presentation.

Chi Qian gave an introduction on RIET, and stated that RIET will continue to contribute to the success of the three sides by “connecting” SOE and WIMEK in terms of doctoral student training and implementing works in the current program.

Chi Qian gives an introduction on RIET.

Representatives from Wageningen University & Research, SOE, and RIET agreed that the three sides should expand new areas of cooperation and aim for doctoral training program and research exchange of higher levels based on solid cooperation.

Representatives that attend the meeting.

Reviewed by Zhang Xiaoyuan, Li Miao, and Xi Jingying