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Delegation from Wisconsin, US Meets SOE Officials for Potential Cooperation

The Delegation from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, led by their Secretary, Cathy Stepp,A delegation of officials and experts from the State of Wisconsin, US, including Director of Wisconsin Department of Natural Rescources Cathy STEPP, and former Deputy Director of US EPA Richard D. OTIS, visited SOE for communication of potential cooperation on March 18, 2013.

Dean Assistant of SOE LIU Shuming, Prof. JIA Haifeng from the Division of Environmental System Analysis of SOE, and Associate Prof. CHEN Chao from the Division of Drinking Water Safety welcomed the Delegation which included former Deputy Administrator Richard D. Otis.

SOE Dean Assistant Dr. LIU Shuming gave the delegation an overall introduction about SOE’s education and research. Prof. JIA Haifeng from the Division of Environmental System Analysis of SOE presented the current state of water resources in China, through the research projects he has participated in. Dr. CHEN Chao introduced the research in the Division of Drinking Water Safety. Prof. NI Guangheng and Prof. WANG Zhaoyin from the Department of Hydraulic Engineering of Tsinghua University also attended the talks and introduced their research topics. The two sides exchanged their views on research fields of common interest, and explored the potential opportunities of future cooperation. Other members of the Delegation visited the Environmental Biology lab, Microbial Fuel Cell lab, Drinking Water Safety lab and some public research platforms in SOE.

The delegation’s visit to China was to communicate with relevant Chinese institutions in the fields of environment, natural resources, energy, education and technology development, seeking for future cooperation opportunities. The delegation would provide suggestions to the of the Wisconsin State Government  on future collaborations between Mid-west U.S. and China.