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SOE Team Wins Most Professional Award in mai Bangkok Business Challenge

The final competition of the mai Bangkok Business Challenge was held in the Chulalongkorn University in Thailand from Feburary 28 to March 4, 2013. The Tsinghua team “Bioclean” won the Most Professional Award  with their business plan building upon the technology of  Coupling of Wastewater Deep Purification and Biomass Production Based on Microalgae Cultivation developed by Prof. HU Hongying’s group  from SOE.

The Tsinghua team is made up by two students from SOE, and four students from Tsinghua School of Economics and Management. The key technology of their project is the deep purification of wastewater, which could not only yield high quality reclaimed water, but also produce biodiesel and feed addictive. The technology, which couples the reclaimed water and biomass production, could create enormous environmental and economical benefits after large-scale appliation, and thus is assumed to be a promising innovative wastewater reuse technology. The team members designed the commercial promotion and marketing strategies for the technology with their own specialties and strengths, and finally distinguished themselves from the 16 other participating teams.

The mai Bangkok Business Challenge is one of the world’s most influencial entrepreneur challenges. There were 63 teams in total for this year’s challenge, including 11 teams from mainland China, e.g. Peking University and Fudan University.