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SOE Held Memorial Service for Academician GU Xiasheng

More than 50 people participated in a memorial service held by SOE for Academician GU Xiasheng, former SOE professor and a prestigious academic in China’s environmental field, on February 24, 2013, one year after his death.

Prof. ZUO Jian’e, Vice Dean of SOE, presided over the service. Dean of SOE Prof. YU Gang delivered a speech reviewed the life and achievements of Mr. GU and encouraged all teachers and students of SOE to carry on Mr. GU’s pursuit for environmental protection and develop SOE into a first-class environmental academic school.

As a student of Mr. GU, Academician DUAN Ning, shared several stories on his experience with Mr. GU and emphasized Mr. GU’s strict attitude towards the academic work. Academician HAO Jiming said he had been impressed by Mr. GU’s deep concerns about the education of environmental engineering in China and his caring for students’ development. Many other Mr. GU’s respectful and grateful qualities were recalled by the other people.

Prof. DU Pengfei, Chairman of SOE Council delivered a conclusive speech at the end of the memorial. He promised to edited all shared stories of Mr. GU in order to carry on the memory of the master in Chinese environmental community.