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Kunshan Ecological Civilization and Environmental Management and Protection Training Class Starts

Kunshan Ecological Civilization and Environmental Management and Protection Training Class(KEEMP) was held in SOE from May 6 to 13.

KEEMP was designed for officials from Kunshan to learn about ecological civilization construction. Professors from SOE and the Ministry of Environmental Protection gave lessons and organized the field trip for this class. About 35 officials attended the class.

During this one week class, Prof. Hao Jiming and Prof. Qian Yi, Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Prof. Du Pengfei, Secretary of SOE Committee of CPC, and some other professors from SOE, delivered speeches covering areas of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, air pollution control, ecological civilization construction, sustainable development, unban environmental planning and management, etc. Apart from lectures, the officials also took part in one technical visit to a solid waste treatment technology developed by Beijing Eco-island Science and Technology Co., LTD.

At the closing ceremony, the participating officials said that they had learned a lot about ecological civilization construction which would contribute to their future work.